Thursday, September 11, 2014

Avoiding Some Pitfalls

Remember to use the following to avoid pitfalls. Managing numerous platforms can be frustrating. Limit the number of platforms you start off with. Engage your audience. Lack of time and knowledge can lead to decrease of followers. Remember people are visual use images. Using images keeps people interested in your postings. Be consistent with your posting. Consistency will make it easier for your audience to follow your posts. Consistency will make it easier to measure your audience.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

When you are putting your plan together take your time an analyze what streams will be beneficial for your business. Here are a few social media streams you may want to consider. 

Facebook is the most popular at this time. With Facebook you can post a video, pictures and text. If you have a large client base that can use your services this is a great way to communicate. As you build your followers you should start to see what your clients like and be able to market more effectively.

Twitter is a great source to gather quick information from your clients. Keep in mind if you are going to use Twitter it will require you to tweet at least 4 to 5 times a day. Twitter is a fast pace platform that may require lots attention.

LinkedIn is more of a corporate platform. It is good to maintain and gather information with other people who may share the same type of business.

Pinterest is an image platform that allows you to share photos and it now has its own messaging service. Pinterest is a great place to share your inventory allowing your followers to see your latest goods.

Google plus has a lot of similarities as Facebook. One main difference between the two is that there is a video chat called Hangout that allows you talk to a group of people at once.

YouTube allows you to post videos of a product. For example, if you are a baker you can share a video on how to bake an apple pie.

As you can see each platform has its own character. It can be difficult to distinguish what may work for you. It can be overwhelming. Take your time and choose wisely.

Deciding what will work for your business.

Deciding what tools will work for you can be tough. A couple of things that you will have to think about. How much time do I have to digital market? Will I have to hire someone just to handle my marketing? Will I have to outsource? These are common questions that we hear from our clients. We tell our clients its not that hard. But of course that will depend on what you are trying to accomplish. You will need to sit down and look at how you are marketing now. What type of a return has it netted you. What is your goal? If you started digital marketing and stopped why did you stop. Once you have that down then its time to put a plan together.